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Types of Alcohol Rehab

A good alcohol rehab can help you or a loved one break free from the grip of addiction. Many types of alcohol treatment are available, including inpatient, residential, outpatient and intensive outpatient care. Alcohol rehab programs generally begin with the detoxification or withdrawal phase. You may also need to go through the rehabilitation or recovery phase to learn how to cope with drinking triggers and cravings when you return home. Often, people who go through alcohol recovery with a sponsor or attend support groups are more likely to maintain sobriety long after finishing formal alcohol rehab.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment program for alcohol addiction, so it’s important to find a drug treatment center that fits your individual needs. You’ll need to consider your lifestyle, budget and recovery goals when choosing a rehab facility. Inpatient treatment facilities require you to live at the facility full-time, while outpatient alcohol rehab alcohol rehab west yorkshire gives you more flexibility with your daily schedule. Some rehab facilities offer a combination of these options, with patients staying at a residential treatment center for the initial detox and then moving to an outpatient treatment program once they’re medically stable.

The first step in alcohol treatment is usually the detoxification or withdrawal phase, which can be a challenging time because of withdrawal symptoms that can range from mild to severe. Your treatment provider will monitor your temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and breathing to ensure you’re safe while going through the process. You may receive medications during the withdrawal and detox phase to ease your discomfort. Withdrawal symptoms typically last between 24 and 48 hours, but they can become more severe if you try to drink again too soon.

Once you’ve successfully completed the detox phase, it’s time to move on to the rehabilitation or recovery phase of alcohol rehab. This is where you’ll learn how to cope with cravings, avoid alcohol triggers and develop healthy coping strategies. In rehab, you’ll probably participate in individual and group therapy sessions as well as learn more about your personal and family history with addiction. During this stage, your doctor might recommend a medication, such as methadone or buprenorphine (brand names Suboxone and Subutex), to help curb your cravings and reduce the risk of relapse.

Once you’ve finished rehab, it’s important to transition slowly back into your everyday life. This can be as simple as finding a sober living home or attending 12-Step meetings and other recovery support groups. You may also need to take on new responsibilities or work on building up your social skills. Keeping up with your follow-up appointments, participating in recovery support groups and making healthy lifestyle changes can also help you keep sobriety going strong after you leave formal alcohol rehab. In fact, people who undergo long-term relapse prevention programs are more likely to stay sober for three or more years. That’s why it’s worth it to invest in the long-term treatment that will give you the best chance of a successful recovery.

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